Author/Editor     Mrak, Marija
Title     Timska situacija - možnosti ozaveščanja za prepoznavanje in preprečevanje nasilja v medsebojnih odnosih
Translated title     Possibilities of recognition and prevention of violence in team relationships
Type     članek
Source     In: Klemenc D, Pahor M, editors. Nasilje in spolno nadlegovanje na delovnih mestih medicinskih sester v Sloveniji. Zbornik člankov s strokovnega srečanja z mednarodno udeležbo Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 1999 dec 4; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 86-92
Language     slo
Abstract     I wanted to emphasize in my article that the different kinds, ways and intensity of violence are a part of our interpersonal relationships at our workplace. How one experiences violence in particular situations is personal and it is connected with our point of view, our values, needs, selfconfidence, self-respect and the respect we have for our work. It is also associated with the respect we feel for our collegues and the work they do, as well as the respect given patients and their relatives. If we want to notice and prevent violence we have to help people become conscious of it. The reasons for violence can be varied.There are different ways and mechanisms of recognizing and preventing such violence. The key points are fhe progress and better quality of interpersonal working relationships among health care workers, as well as patients and their relatives Therefore I chose for my paper a team which represenfs a working, dynamic group of different specialists where the division of work is inevitably due to direct cooperation, on how competent one is and on interpersonal respect. This is a unit where the chances for the development, recognition and prevention of violence are high and of great importance.
Descriptors     VIOLENCE