Avtor/Urednik     Battelino, Saba; Zupančič, Janez; Žargi, Miha
Naslov     Partial lateral temporal bone dissection with occlusion of radical cavity in treatment of carcinoma of the external auditory canal and middle ear cavity
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Gale N, Žargi M, editors. Epithelial tumours of the head and neck. Proceedings of the 31st memorial meeting for professor Janez Plečnik under the auspices of the European society of pathology; 2000 Dec 7-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Faculty of medicine, Institute of pathology,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 88-90
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In the last 17 years, 14 patients with malignant tumours of external auditory canal (EAC) and middle ear cavity (MEC) have been treated at our department, primarily surgically with following radiotherapy. In 12 cases the classical lateral temporal bone resection (LTBD) with no occlusion of the introitus of the EAC was performed. In these cases we were faced, during and after radiotherapy, with a lot of problems due to inflammation and discharge from operative cavity, as well as osteomielitis. In two cases a partial lateral bone resection (PLTBD) was performed, where we removed all the EAC, the ear drum and the ossicules. In both cases the introitus of the EAC was closed with the skin of the tragus. In these two cases we had no complications during and after radiotherapy with 61,9 Gy. Both patients are now 4 and 14 years after therapy, with no loco-regional recurrence of primary disease and with no late complications after surgery or radiotherapy. The PLTBD with occlusion of the introitus of the EAC followed by radiotherapy could be proposed as acceptable therapeutic approach in the cases of early cancer of EAC and MEC, especially if we take into account the high perioperative mortality rate in subtotal and total temporal bone resection.
Deskriptorji     TEMPORAL BONE