Author/Editor     Magajna, Lidija
Title     Motnje učenja pri otrocih z epilepsijo
Translated title     Learning disorders in children with epilepsy
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 10
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 103-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper discusses certain theoretical, research and practical problems concerning learning disorders and school failure in children with different types of epilepsy. An interactive approach to the cassification of different types of general, non-specific learning problems and specific learning disabilities of a neurophysiological nature is presented. Furthermore, some open questions are presented that require further investigation for the development of more effective preventative and therapeutic measures. The field of learning and learning disabilities has undergone important changes with the development of new paradigms and disciplines. The focus of interventions has been expanded from an orientation towards deficits to the activation and development of intereses, talents and strengths and influencing systemic variables (learning materials, methods, climate) that interfere with or facilitate the learning of people with more general learning problems or specific learning disabilities. The orientation of current approaches to more comprehensive methods of treatment and early prevention, the entire life perspective, multidisciplinary collaboration and enhancing the role of family members as partners in interventions also requires the development of new, more global measures of monitoring and the evaluation of the outcomes of the complex issues facing people with epilepsy and learning problems.
Summary     Prispevek obravnava nekatere teoretične, raziskovalne in praktične probleme, povezane z motnjami učenja in učno neuspešnostjo pri otrocih z različnimi tipi epilepsije. Prikazani so interakcijski pristop pri klasifikaciji različnih tipov splošnih nespecifičnih učnih težav in nevrofiziološko pogojenih specifičnih motenj učenja ter vrsta odprtih vprašanj, ki zahtevajo nadaljnje preučevanje za razvoj bolj učinkovitih ukrepov preprečevanja in zdravljenja. Na področju učenja in motenj učenja je prišlo z razvojem novih paradigem in disciplin do pomembnih sprememb. Žarišče intervencij se je razširilo od orientacije na primanjkljaje na aktiviranje in razvijanje interesov, talentov in močnih področij ter vplivanje na sistemske spremenljivke (materiali, metode poučevanja, klima), ki interferirajo ali olajšujejo učenje oseb s splošnimi ali specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Sodobni pristopi so usmerjeni na bolj obsežne in vsestranske načine pomoči in zgodnjega preprečevanja, celotno življenjsko perspektivo, multidisciplinarno sodelovanje in poudarjanje pomembnosti vloge družinskih članov kot partnerjev pri obravnavi. To zahteva tudi razvoj novih, bolj globalnih mer spremljanja in vrednotenja izidov kompleksnih problemov oseb z epilepsijo in spremljajočimi motnjami učenja.
Descriptors     EPILEPSY