Avtor/Urednik | Mueller, Vika; Steinhagen, Joern; de Wit, Maike; Bohuslavizki, Karl H | |
Naslov | Bone scintigraphy in clinical routine | |
Prevedeni naslov | Scintigrafija skeleta v klinični praksi | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Radiol Oncol | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 35, št. 1 | |
Leto izdaje | 2001 | |
Obseg | str. 21-30 | |
Jezik | eng | |
Abstrakt | Background. In 1971, bone scintigraphy was performed the first time using 99mTc-labeled polyphosphonates. Since that time, bone scintigraphy has become one of the most frequent diagnostic procedures in nuclear medicine departments. However, in the last decade, indications for this skeletal imaging procedure have been changing continuously. This paper, therefore gives a concise review of the current spectrum of indications for bone scintigraphy and its realization. Conclusions. Just as many other nuclear medicine procedures, the bone scintigraphy has a high sensitivity, and the changes of the bone metabolism are seen often earlier than the changes in bone structure developing after x-ray. Therefore, occult lesions in the whole skeleton might be detected early by bone scintigraphy. On the other hand, bone turnover is increased in various bone diseases. Consequently, bone scintigraphy usually has a low specificity, and differential diagnosis of the underlying etiology is often not feasible. However, there-phase bone scintigraphy and SPECT can significantly increase the specificity in some skeletal areas. | |
Izvleček | Izhodišča. Leta 1971 so prvič izvedli scintigrafijo skeleta z 99 mTc označenimi polifosfati. Od takrat je ta preiskava postala ena od najpogosteje izvajanih v nuklearni medicini. Zadnjih deset let pa so se neprestano spreminjale indikacije za obravnavano slikovno skeletno preiskavo. Predstavljamo različne indikacije, predvsem tiste, ki jih danes upoštevamo. Zaključki. Tako kot v mnogih drugih nuklearnomedicinskih preiskavah s skeletno scintigrafijo dosežemo veliko senzitivnost sprememb. Često ugotovimo spremembo kostnega metabolizma, preden se posledično spremeni kostna struktura, ki jo zaznamo z rentgenskim slikanjem. Na ta način lahko ugotovimo skrite kostne lezije v celotnem skeletu. Seveda pa so tako ugotovljene kostne spremembe lahko posledica zelo različnih kostnih bolezni. Kostna scintigrafija ima nizko specifičnost, zato pogosto ne moramo določiti etiologije scintigrafsko ugotovljenih kostnih sprememb. Specifičnost preiskave znatno povečamo s trifazno kostno scintigrafijo in SPECT-om. | |