Avtor/Urednik     Golouh, Rastko; Bračko, Matej
Naslov     What is current practice in soft tissue sarcoma grading?
Prevedeni naslov     Kako danes gradiramo sarkome mehkih tkiv?
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 35, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 47-52
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Purpose. Most published grading systems of soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are somewhat subjective and it seems that there is no definite consensus among experts which of them is the most effective. The aim of this study was to collect data from practicing pathologists and to get some insight in the practice of STS grading. Subjects. A questionnaire was sent to 135 pathologists chosen randomly. Results. There were 88 responders from 30 countries from 5 continents. Most responders (85%) grade STS, more frequently in Europe than in non-European countries. Three-grade system is preferred by both European and non-European pathologists, who use it in almost 77% and 67%, respectively. They apply the criteria set by FNCLCC in 37.3%, by NCI in 24%, by Broders in 12% and by Markhede in 1.4%. In Europe, FNCLCC system is the most widely used. Beside classical histological criteria, other modern methods are applied by more than one half of the responders. Immunohistochemical evaluation of proliferation markers is the method most widely used, followed by molecular markers and DNA flow cytometry. Conclusion. The results of our study indicate that most pathologists consider histologic grade of STS as a valuable, however not completely satisfactory predictor of a patients survival.
Izvleček     Namen. Večina objavljenih sistemov gradiranja sarkomov mehkih tkiv (SMT) je vsaj delno subjektivnih. Zdi se, da med strokovnjaki ni popolnega soglasja o tem, kateri od njih je najboljši. Z raziskavo smo skušali zbrati podatke med patologi iz prakse in tako vsaj delno ugotoviti, kakšna je praksa gradiranja SMT. Anketiranci. Naključno izbranim 135 patologom smo poslali posebej prirejen vprašalnik. Rezultati. Dobili smo 88 odgovorov patologov iz 30 dežel iz vseh petih kontinentov. Večina patologov (85%) gradira SMT, pogosteje v Evropi kot v neevropskih deželah. Oboji uporabljajo najpogosteje sistem treh stopenj, prvi v 77%, drugi 67%. V praksi so najpogostejši kriteriji FNCLCC (37.3%), NCI (24%), Brodersa (12%) in Markhedeja (1.4%). V Evropi je najbolj popularen sistem FNCLCC. Več kot pol anketirancev uporablja poleg klasičnih histoloških kriterijev tudi moderne metode. Najpogostejša je imunohistokemija, sledijo molekularni markerji in DNA pretočna citometrija. Razprava. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da imajo patologi histološko gradiranje SMT za koristen, čeprav ne povsem zadovoljiv kazalec bolnikovega preživetja.
Deskriptorji     SARCOMA