Avtor/Urednik     Primožič, Stanislav
Naslov     Trialog bolnik-zdravnik-farmacevt: spodbude in težave
Prevedeni naslov     The patient-physician-pharmacist trialogue: challenges and obstacles
Tip     članek
Vir     Farm Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 49, št. Poseb {t
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 65-73
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Pharmacist will continue to fulfill his/her irreplaceable central role in the entire locus of procurement and the use of medicines in modem society. The condition for good development od this role will be his/her adaptation to the systemic changes in the health care system and elaboration of those functions which the society newly expects from pharmaceutical profession. In the forefront of this interest will be the provision of pharmaceutical care for the individual patient and target patient groups, and disease prevention programs for the entice population. Effective provision of these cognitive services which support safe, effective and economic use of drugs, and by doing so also establish added value in the national pharmacotherapeutics, relies mainly on three factors. Firstly, the building od confidence, adherence and communination bridges with patients, secondly the rational presentation of the impact of those services to their payors; and thirdly but not least, the degree of the cooperation with allied professions sharing the interest and responsibility for drugs in the society. In the health segment, well developed cooperation with medical profession is of utmost importance. The paper discusses systemic position of the profession; challenges and obstacles facing the pharmacist in building the trialogue with the patient and physician.
Izvleček     Svojo nezamenljivo vlogo povezovalca celotnega segmenta zagotavljanja in uporabe zdravil v sodobni družbi bo farmacevt opravljal tudi v bodoče. Pogoj za to bo njegova sposobnost slediti sistemskim spremembam in razviti ob tem tiste funkcije, ki jih družba od njega pričakuje. V ospredju tega zanimanja bosta prav gotovo farmacevtska skrb za individualnega pacienta in tarčne skupine pacientov kot tudi sodelovanj pri preventivni skrbi za populacijo, ki mu je v zdravstvenem sistemu zaupana. Farmacevtovo uspešno zagotavljanje teh tim. kognitivnih storitev, ki prinašajo vamo, učinkovito in ekonomsko uporabo zdravil in s tem dodano vrednosl v nacionalno farmakoterapijo, je odvisno predvsem od treh faktorjev. V prvi vrsti od vzpostavitve ustreznih mostov zaupanja in komunikacije s pacienti, po drugi strani racionalnega prikaza učinka teh storitev njihovim plačnikom in ne nazadnje od stopnje farmacevtove povezanosti z drugimi poklici, s katerimi deli interes in odgovomost. V segmentu zdravstva je nadvse pomembno dobro sodelovanje z zdravnikom. Prispevek podaja nekatere sistemske značilnosti, spodbude in ovire, s katerimi se farmacevtska stroka sooča pri komuniciranju z bolnikom na eni in zdravnikom na drugi strani.