Author/Editor     Frankič, Darja
Title     Farmacevtska intervencija
Translated title     Pharmaceutical intervention
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. Spec Issue
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 103-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with the concept of pharmaceutical intervention. It sees it as an instrument of the quality assurance of pharmaceutical services as they are integrated in the drug utilization processes. The purpose of this activity is the optimization of the patient's quality of life relevant to his or her drug treatment(s). The types of pharmacist's intervention are presented with the emphasis on the pharmacy service as part of the public health system. Discussed is the quality assurance of pharmaceutical services as one of the modalities of he development of competence of the pharmaceutical profession.
Summary     Prispevek opisuje pomen farmacevtskega ukrepanja (intervencije) pri zagotavljanju kakovosti storitev v procesu uporabe zdravil. Cilj je optimizirati bolnikovo kakovost življenja pri terapiji z zdravili. Prikazuje področja delovanja in poudarja farmacevtsko dejavnost v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva ter proces zagotavljanja kakovosti storitev kot enega od načinov profesionalizacije farmacevtskega poklica.
Descriptors     DRUG UTILIZATION