Author/Editor     Kotnik, Vladimir
Title     Vpliv kortikosteroidov na imunski sistem
Translated title     Influence of corticosteroids on immune system function
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 97-102
Language     slo
Abstract     Corticosteroids are important anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs. They are synthesized in the cortex of the adrenal glands. Therapy anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive function of corticosteroids is still controversial and not understood in detail. Among other things, they influence the development, distribution and function of immune and inflammatory cells. Corticosteroids also influence the synthesis of cytokines and thus indirectly change the function of immune and inflammatory cells. When administered in appropriate conditions, at correct dosages and for a limited time period, they are safe and very effective drugs. If abused, given in high doses and for a prolonged treatment, side effects are common but usually disappear following discontinuation of the drug.
Summary     Kortikosteroidi so pomembna protivnetna in imunosupresivna zdravila. Sintetizirajo se v skorji nadledvičnice. Njihovo protivnetno in imunosupresivno delovanje je zapleteno. Vplivajo na nastajanje, razporeditev, zorenje in delovanje imunskih in vnetnih celic. Učinkovitost je večinoma posledica spremenjene sinteze citokinov, le redki so neposredni vplivi na imunske celice. Danes uporabljamo za zdravljenje sintetične hormone. Ob primernem odmerjanju je zdravljenje s kortikosteroidi učinkovito in varno. Pri prevelikih odmerkih in pri dolgotrajnem zdravljenju pa se lahko pojavijo stranski učinki, ki navadno izzvenijo s prenehanjem zdravljenja.
Descriptors     IMMUNE SYSTEM