Author/Editor     Viršek, Milan
Title     Zavarovanje kot dejavnik zagotavljanja varnosti ob nastopu škodljivih dogodkov
Translated title     Insurance as an agent security in cases of incurred loses (damages)
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 11
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 29-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Human activity at present time encounters risks more frequently as in the past. Such a situation produces the need to ensure security. The security which is intended here is offered by ether a mechanism to avoid or effectively mitigate incurred damages. One of such instruments is certainly the legal institution of insurance. Insurance as a legal phenomenon forms a quite specific and autonomous legal field. Regardless its daily use many "insurance consumers are not sufficiently informed about the characteristics of this legal area. Mountain rescue service is a highly dangerous activity which can result in severe damages for its actors. The institution of insurance of such an activity demands a focused and well suited legal arrangement. The analysis of the quality level of current insurance arrangements of the mountain rescue service shows that the degree of security is insufficient and as a whole does not objectively meet the existing needs.
Summary     V sodobnem času spremlja človeka čedalje več dejavnosti, ki so zanj nevarne. S tem se seveda povečuje potreba po zagotovitvi določene varnosti, s čimer bi se izognili škodljivim posledicam oziroma bi jih omilili. Eno izmed takšnih sredstev je gotovo organizirano zavarovanje. Po svoji vsebini je to zavarovanje precej samostojno in specifično ter kljub vsakodnevni uporabi med zavarovanci še vedno premalo poznano. Dejavnost gorskega reševanja je ena izmed nevarnejših dejavnosti, lti je praviloma podvržena večjim škodljivim posledicam. Zato mora biti presoja o ustreznosti njenega zavarovanja še toliko bolj celovita in realna. Pregled obstoječih zavarovanj pa pokaže, da je obseg varovanja skromen in verjetno ne ustreza objektivnim potrebam.
Descriptors     INSURANCE