Author/Editor     Stražišar, Borut
Title     Odprta pravna vprašanja v zvezi s položajem zdravnika v Gorski reševalni skužbi
Translated title     Unsolved legal questions concerning the status of medical doctors in the mountain rescue service
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 11
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 45-50
Language     slo
Abstract     In the Slovene legal system, the legal responsibility of medical doctors is regulated in a quite nonuniform manner. Therefore, the responsibility of medical doctors is: associated with their professional work (omission of necessary help results in penal liability; damage to the patient results in civil liability), associated with the confidentiality relationship between the doctor and the patient (right to informed consent), associated with the nature of work of a medical doctor (personal data protection). All the above-mentioned responsibilities are even greater in the case of medical doctors who are members of the mountain rescue service because of the extreme working conditions. The main problems such doctors encounter are: associated with work legislation - the status of such doctors, who pays them and how they themselves are insured in the case of work accidents, the responsibility of medical doctors who are not accustomed to hiking to go to the site of accidents in the mountains in the case that the assistance of the mountain rescue service is not necessary, personal data protection in the mountains, where confidentiality can be a large problem. Appropriate legal regulation could solve all these problems by detailing the status and responsibilities of medical doctors who are members of the mountain rescue service.
Summary     Odgovornost zdravnika je v pravnem sistemu urejena dokaj neenotno. Tako je odgovornost zdravnika povezana: z njegovim strokovnim delom (kazenska odgovornost, če opusti pomoč; odškodninska, če nastane bolniku škoda), z razmerjem zaupnosti med njim in njegovim bolnikom (pravica bolnika do seznanitve s posegom ter pravica do soglasja za tak poseg), povezana z naravo dela zdravnika (varovanje osebnih podatkov). Vse navedene odgovornosti se še bolj zaostrijo pri zdravniku v Gorski reševalni službi, saj gre za delo v ekstremnih pogojih. Glavni problemi, na katere tak zdravnik naleti, so: delovnopravni - kakšen status ima in kdo ga plačuje ter kako je sam zavarovan za nezgodo pri delu, odgovornost zdravnika za prihod na kraj nesreče, če se je nesreča zgodila v hribih, kjer pa pomoč Gorske reševalne službe ni potrebna, zdravnik pa ni vajen hoditi po hribih, varstvo osebnih podatkov v gorah, kjer je zaupnost med bolnikom in zdravnikom močno okrnjena. Rešitev za vse probleme bi bila ustrezna zakonska ureditev, ki naj podrobneje opredeli položaj in odgovornosti zdravnika gorskega reševalca.
Descriptors     MOUNTAINEERING