Avtor/Urednik | Logar-Car, Gordana; Sedmak, Marjeta; Orel, Rok; Zupančič, Mirjana; Jereb, Janez; Cerar, Anton | |
Naslov | Določanje protiteles IgA proti tkivni transglutaminazi poveča ugotavljanje pogostnosti celiakije pri ožjih družinskih članih bolnikov s celiakijo | |
Prevedeni naslov | Determination of IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase increase the prevalence of celiac disease at immediate family members of celiac patients | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 70, št. 4 | |
Leto izdaje | 2001 | |
Obseg | str. 213-7 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | Background. It is well known that celiac disease is common with the relatives of the patients with celiac disease. At the healthy immediate family members of the patients with celiac disease silent, latent or potential form of celiac disease can be established. Patients and methods. 149 immediate family members of 50 children and one mother celiac disease were examined at the Pediatric clinic from 1997 till 1999. Anamnesis, clinical examination, determination of stool pH, presence of reducing substances and digestion were carried out. Blood samples were taken for complete blood cell count and for screening tests for celiac disease (IgA AGA, IgG AGA, IgA EMA) and at 140 relatives also IgAtTG. Results. Positive screening tests (IgA and IgG AGA, IgA EMA and IgAtTG) were established at 39 (26.17%) immediate relatives. Endoscopic examination was performed at 32 (21.48%) immediate family members. Silent and latent celiac disease was established at 10 (6.71%) and potential celiac disease at 13 (8.72%) relatives. Silent, latent and potential celiac disease thus established at 23 (15.43%) relatives. At three relatives (at one with the silent and two with the latent celiac disease) of all test only IgA tTG was positive. Conclusions. Early diagnosis and strict gluten-free diet prevents most of the known complications of celiac disease. Because of that it is advised that all four screening tests (IgA and IgG AGA, IgA EMA and IgAtTG) are performed at the immediate family members. | |
Izvleček | Izhodišča. Znano je, da je celiakija pogostejša pri sorodnikih bolnikov s celiakijo. Ožji družinski člani bolnikov s celiakijo lahko imajo značilne klinične znake celiakije, lahko pa tiho, latentno ali potencialno obliko celiakije. Preiskovanci in metode. Na Pediatrični kliniki smo od l.1997 do vključno 1999 pregledali 149 družinskih članov 50 otrok in ene matere s celiakijo. S preiskovanci smo se pogovorili, jih klinično pregledali, preiskovali smo pH, % redukcijskih snovi, prebavljenost blata in odvzeli kri za hemogram ter presejalne preizkuse za celiakijo IgA AGA, IgG AGA, IgA EMA ter pri 140 tudi IgA tTG. Rezultati. Pozitivne presejalne preizkuse (IgG in IgA AGA, IgA EMA in IgA tTg) je imelo 39 (26,17%) sorodnikov. Na endoskopski pregled je privolilo 32 (21,48%) ožjih družinskih članov. Tiho in latentno obliko celiakije smo dokazali pri desetih (6,71%), potencialno celiakijo pa pri trinajstih (8,72%). Tiho, latentno ali potencialno obliko celiakije smo ugotovili pri 23 (15,43%) ožjih družinskih članih bolnikov s celiakijo. Pri treh sorodnikih (enem s tiho in dvema z latentno obliko celiakije) je bil od vseh presajalnih preizkusov pozitiven le test na IgA tTG. Zaključki. Zgodnja diagnoza celiakije in celiakalna dieta preprečita razvoj večine znanih zapletov celiakije. Zato priporočamo pri ožjih družinskih članih bolnikov s celiakijo za odkrivanje tihe, latentne in potencialne oblike celiakije vse štiri presajalne teste (IgA AGA, IgG AGA, IgA EMA in IgA tTG). | |