Author/Editor     Turk, Josip
Title     Obravnava bolnika s srčnim popuščanjem - pogled kardiologa
Translated title     Treatment of patient with heart failure - a cardiologist's view
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 3-6
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 122-4
Language     slo
Abstract     More and more cases of heart failure are the consequence of improved prognosis of many cardiovascular conditions, the prolongation of life span and the ageing of population. Diagnosing of heart failure demands the analysis of patient's statements such as: decreased capability, manifest fatigue; dyspraea, orthopnea and chest pain. None of the cited symptoms is by itself characteristic for heart failure. In order to confirm its connection with the heart, a heart disease has to be diagnosed first. Besides patient's history and status, some other diagnostic examinations are in certain-cases required: electrocardiogram, ultrasonography, x-rays, exercise testing and cardiac catheterization. After confirmed diagnosis of a heart disease, trigger factor which has lead to heart hailure must be searched for. Treatment should - besides medication - possibly include invasive and operative interventions in order to achieve more efficient and lasting results.
Summary     Izboljšana prognoza mnogih bolezni srca in ožilja (BSO). In podaljšanje življenjske dobe ter staranja prebivalstva ima za posledico vse več primerov srčnega popuščanja (SP). Za spoznavanje SP moramo razčleniti bolnikove navedbe, kot so zmanjšana zmogljlvost, večja utrujenost, dispnoje, ortopnoje, bolečine v prsih. Nobeden od navedenih simptomov ni sam po sebi značilen za SP. Ali je simptom res v zvezi s srcem, moramo ugotoviti in potrditi, da je srce bolno. Poleg anamneze in statusa nam bodo v določenih primerih potrebne še druge diagnostične preiskave: elektrokardiogram, ultrazvok, RTG, obremenitveno testiranje in kateterizacija srca. Ob spoznani bolezni moramo iskati sprožilni vzrok, ki je privedel do popuščanja. V zdravljenju bomo poleg zdravil v določenih primerih lahko naredili nekaj več in trajneje z invazivnimi in operativnimi posegi.