Author/Editor     Peternelj, Andreja
Title     Ukrepi medicinske sestre pri nujnem stanju pri bolniku s srčnim popuščanjem
Translated title     Measures taken by a nurse in emergency status of a patient with severe heart failure
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 3-6
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 144-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Acute heart failure is a frequent cause for admission of a patient to the hospital. In patients with acute heart failure, pulmonary edema can develop. Due to this condition, the patient's life is severely threatened. The recognition of all the parameters of a pulmonary edema is therefore of great importance for the nurse. The risk of a poor outcome is much decreased by an accurate and fast assessment of patient's condition Due to patient's condition, the nurse should promptly find out his needs for nursing care and establish nursing diagnoses. Nursing diagnoses provide the basis for further nursing procedures which may be changed or supplemented, according to the patient's condition. In performing nursing activities, the nurse should follow patient's health condition and consider the emergency of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. In performing nursing care, the patient's psychical and physical security should be ensured.
Summary     Akutno srčno popuščanje je eden pogostih vzrokov za sprejem bolnika v bolnišnico: Pri bolnikih z akutnim srčnim popuščanjem se lahko razvije pljučni edem. To je stanje, ki vselej ogroža tudi bolnikovo žlvljenje. Prepoznavanje vseh kazalcev pljučnega edema je za medicinsko sestro zato zelo pomembno. Pravilna in hitra ocena bolnikovega stanja zmanjšuje nevarnost slabega izida. Zaradi prizadetosti bolnika mora medicinska sestra zelo hitro ugotoviti bolnikove potrebe po zdravstveni negi in postaviti negovalne diagnoze. Negovalne diagnoze so osnova za nadaljnje negovalne postopke, ki pa se zaradi težkega bolnikovega stanja lahko hitro spreminjajo ali dopolnjujejo. Pri izvajanju negovalnih aktivnosti medicinska sestra izhaja iz bolnikovega zdravstvenega stanja in upošteva tudi nujnost diagnostično-terapevtskih postopkov. Pri izvajanju zdravstvene nege mora zagotoviti bolniku duševno in telesno varnost.