Avtor/Urednik     Hassaninen, A; Mrzel, Aleš; Venturini, Peter; Wudl, F; Mihailović, Dragan; Gasperič, Jože; Kralj, Bogdan; Žigon, Dušan; Milićev, Svetozar; Demšar, A
Naslov     Optical properties of some new fulleroids and fullerene polymers
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kuzmany H, Fink J, Mehring M, et al, editors. Electronic Properties of Fullerenes. Proceedings of the International winterschool on electronic properties of novel materials; 1993 Mar 6-13; Kirchberg. Berlin: Springer,
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 316-20
Jezik     eng