Avtor/Urednik     Mikluž, Branka
Naslov     Svetovalni telefon Spominčica po prvem letu delovanja
Prevedeni naslov     Telephone counseling service Forget-me-not after its first year of action
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kogoj A, editor. Celostna obravnava bolnika z demenco. 2. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 2000 nov 17-18; Radenci. Ljubljana: Spominčica - Združenje za pomoč pri demenci,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 59-72
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     On 4 October 1999 Forget-me-not Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Associoation of Slovenia supplemented its services with a telephone counseling service. This service is intended for all who face difficulties caused by dementia or other mental disorders that may accompany old age. Advisors are professionals with many years' experience in the psychogeriatric field. During the first year 214 telephone conversations were registered with specially designed questionnaires for advisors, that are now providing the basis for the first evaluation of our work. Callers most often sought help and counseling because of difficulties that presented themselves during nursing and care of their relatives with the disease. The most common causes of these troubles were behavioral changes and decline of cognitive functions, emotional and personality changes, difficulties in performing activities of daily living, accompanying bodily complaints and difficulties in communication. Callers received - according to their needs - various forms of help. The most common were supportive counseling, pointing out solutions to the problems, emphatic listening, disburdening of personal distress and concrete information. The first evaluation of reasons for calling confirmed our presumptiotn regarding the most common problems and distresses that are experienced by relatives and others when taking care of persons with dementia.
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