Author/Editor     Vakselj, Nataša; Hojan, Vesna
Title     Dovolite, da naredim, kar še zmorem
Translated title     Let me do, what I still can
Type     članek
Source     In: Kogoj A, editor. Celostna obravnava bolnika z demenco. 2. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 2000 nov 17-18; Radenci. Ljubljana: Spominčica - Združenje za pomoč pri demenci,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 73-83
Language     slo
Abstract     Mental changes that accompany dementia cause insecurity and uneasiness in patients and lead toward passivity, loss of social contacts and finally into isolation. Despite the changes that occur, some abilities remain and they should be identified, encouraged and maintained as long as possible. With this we promote patients' independence and selfesteem as well as improve their quality of life. Patients are accepted and treated integrally, therefor team work and co-operation with relatives is essential. Patients should be presented with numerous suitable stimulations and given the opportunity to react adequately. We should bear in mind where the emphasis should lie in people with dementia, how these people benefit from the experience and how we tackle the task. Sample exercises and their connection with the desired effect demonstrate our approach and our working methods.
Descriptors     DEMENTIA