Author/Editor     Denišlič, Miro; Mlakar, Janez; Pečarič-Meglič, Nuška
Title     Blaga kognitivna okvara
Translated title     Mild cognitive impairment
Type     članek
Source     In: Poredoš P, Denišlič M, editors. Zbornik prispevkov Motnje spomina in žilni dejavniki; 2001 maj 11-12; Portorož. Ljubljana: Pfizer HCP,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 60-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Mild cognitive impairment without dementia is a widely cited concept. It includes subclinical memory problems in elderly people in whom, at the same time, also other signs of cognitive dysfunction, including disturbances of attention, executive function and comprehension, can be found. This concept may represent the cognitive state between normal ageing and dementia, being a possible forruner of Alzheimer's disease. Due to a small proportion of pure mnestic syndrome (6%) there is a need to search for other cognitive deficits in elderly people. Subjects who are apolipoprotein E e4 carriers and have hippocampal changes demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging bear a particular risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. Every - day life activities are usually not affected in subjects with mild cognitive impairment, but if exact assessment shows their involvement, it can predict the early stage of dementia. The use of instrumental activity of daily living test is a very useful method in predicting the conversion of the early memory involvement to dementig illness. The role of careful neurological and psychiatric examination and the. application of sensitive neuropsyhological tests in evaluation of subjects with mild cognitive impairment is pointed out. The treatment of subclinical memory impairment is discussed.