Author/Editor     Wraber, Tone
Title     Prvo desetletje (1920-1930) študija biologije na ljubljanski univerzi
Translated title     First decade (1920-1930) of biology studies at the University of Ljubljana
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 5-20
Language     slo
Abstract     The Biology Studies at the University of Ljubljana exist without interruption since its foundation in 1919, although as a form of such studies one also could consider some of the courses held at the Ecoles centrales in Ljubljana that were established in 1810 and lasted till 1813. As part of the Faculty of Arts the Instituts for Zoology and Botany began to work in 1920 and 1922 respectively. The head of the former was Jovan Hadži (1884-1972), a systematician, zoogeographer and phylogeneticist and of the latter Fran Jesenko (1875-1932), a physiologist and geneticist. In 1920, the Botanical Garden that was founded within the framework of the Ecoles Centrales by F. Hladnik (1773- 1844) as early as 1810, became part of the newly established University. Alfonz Paulin (1853-1942), for several years the Head of this Garden (1886-1931), lectured on Plant Systematics for four semesters during the period 1920-1924. In the first year (1919- 1920) 13 students attended Biology courses, and in the following ten years (1920-1930) about 75, who were later active as the first biologists who graduated from the Ljubljana University. In this period 3 doctorates (V. Dolivo-Dobrovolskij, P. Us, Z. Lorković) were accomplished, all in the field of zoology. The paper presents the titles of courses held by university lecturers at that time and the program of the studies.
Summary     Študij biologije na Ijubljanski univerzi poteka neprekinjeno od ustanovitve univerze v Ljubljani leta 1919, vendar moremo kot obliko tega študija imeti tudi že nekatera predavanja na visokosolskem študiju v Ljubljani, ki je bil kot Ecoles centrales ustanovljen 1810, a je trajal le do 1813. V okviru Filozofske fakultete je 1920 začel delovati Zoološki, 1922 pa Botanični inštitut. Prvega je vodil sistematik, zoogeograf in filogenetik Jovan Hadži (1884-1972), drugega pa fiziolog in genetik Fran Jesenko (1875- 1932). Del novoustanovljene univerze je 1920 postal v okviru Centralnih šol 1810 ustanovljeni (F. Hladnik) botanični vrt v Ljubljani, katerega dolgoletni predstojnik (1886-1931) Alfonz Paulin (1853-1942) je v letih 1920-1924 štiri semestre predaval Sistematsko botaniko. V prvem študijskem letu (1919-1920) je biološke predmete vpisovalo 13, v naslednjih desetih (1920-1930) pa se okrog 75 študentov, ki so pozneje delovali kot prvi na ljubljanski univerzi izobraženi biologi. V obravnavanem času so bili promovirani 3 doktorji (V. Dolivo-Dobrovolskij, Peter Us, Zdravko Lorković), vsi na zoološkem področju. Navedeni so naslovi predavanj tedanjih akademskih učiteljev in študijski red.
Descriptors     BIOLOGY