Avtor/Urednik     Štefančič, Marija
Naslov     Some aspects of secular growth changes in Slovene University students
Prevedeni naslov     Vidiki sekularnih rastnih sprememb pri študentih ljubljanske univerze
Tip     članek
Vir     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. in št.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 103-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Studies of thc physical dcvelopment of students have a long tradition in Slovenia. The first data referring to Yugoslav male students were published by Skcrlj in 1927. His further research dealt with the physical development of secondary school students in Ljubljana in 1939-1940. The most important analyses of students were carried out by Brodar, who systematically measured the students of Ljubljana University every year from 1954 to 1964. The last project, entitled *Morphological Variability in Students of the University of Ljubljana," was done in 1987 and 1988 to ascertain further secular growth changes. Four generations of male and female students were selected. Hcight, body weight, biacromial and bitrochanteric breadth, and BMI were analyzed. An analysis of variance was used to confirm the differences between generations. Continuing statisti- cally significant increases of height wcre evidcnt in both sexes. The accelerational tenden- cies of body weight and biacromial breadth were statistically significant only in males. BMI values increased progressively in males but progressively decreased in females. The negative acceleratioaal tendencies and gradual gracilisation of the hip region is evident in both sexes but they were statistically significant only in females.
Izvleček     Raziskave fizičnega razvoja študentov imajo v Sloveniji dolgoletno tradicijo. Izhodiščne podatke je objavil Škerlj leta 1927. Njegova naslednja raziskava se je nanašala na fizični razvoj ljubljanskih srednješolcev v letih 1939/40. Najobsežnejše raziskave je izvedla Brodar, ki je sistematično merila študente ljubljanske univerze med leti 1954 do 1964. Zadnji projekt z naslovom Morfološka variabilnost študentov ljubljanske univerze je potekal v letih 1986/87. Da bi ugotovili morebitne nadaljne sekularne rastne spremembe, smo izbrali štiri generacije študentov in študentk in analizirali njihovo telesno višino, telesno težo, širino ramen in bokov ter BMI. Razlike med generacijami smo statistično vrednotili z analizo variance. Ugotovili smo, da se telesna višina kontinuirano povečuje pri obeh spolih. Telesna teža in biakromialna širina ramen se statistično značilno povečujeta le pri študentih. Vrednosti BMI se pri študentih progresivno povečujejo, pri študentkah pa progresivno znižujejo. Pri obeh spolih opažamo postopno gracilizacijo v predelu bokov. Negativne akceleracijske tendence so izrazitejše pri študentkah.
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