Author/Editor     Ogrin, Nataša; Piškur, Barbara
Title     Pogled na posameznika skozi teorijo modela MOHO
Translated title     Individual viewed through the theory of the model of human occupation
Type     članek
Source     In: Švajger A, editor. Delovni terapevt in klient. 1. kongres delovnih terapevtov Slovenije; 2001 maj 17-19; Maribor. Ljubljana: Zbornica delovnih terapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 36-44
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper presents the theory of the Model of Human Occupation and the heterarchy of the three subsystems. It also deals with the application of the MOHO model in occupational therapy. The data gathered from a questionnaire show the value and use of the MOHO Model in occupational therapy practice.