Avtor/Urednik     Urbančič, Klaudia
Naslov     Izvedba in rezultati akcijske raziskave procesa zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem. (2. del)
Prevedeni naslov     Performance and results of action research of the process of health education counseling to parents. (Part 2)
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 35, št. 3-4
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 75-80
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The article presents the second set of the results of action research of the process of halth education counseling to parents of prematurely born infants. The article deals with experiencing of parents following premature birth in the Maternity Hospital in Ljubljana, Unit for Intensive Care and Therapy of the Newborn and presents the performance of the program and its results. Action changes are presented in detail. According to authors estimation, the program was successfully implemented into practice: in the conclusion, advantages of the results for management of nursing care, quality of nursing and the analysis of the program and its advantages for the development of research activities in nursing care are presented.
Izvleček     V prispevku je predstavljen drugi del rezultatov akcijske raziskave procesa zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem prezgodaj rojenih otrok. Prispevek obravnava doživljanje staršev ob rojstvu prezgodaj rojenih otrok v Porodnišnici Ljubljana v Enoti za intenzivno nego in terapijo novorojenčkov. Predstvaljena je izvedba programa zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja in rezultati. podrobno so predstavljene akcijske spremembe. Avtorica ocenjuje, da je bil program uspešno uveden v prakso in v zaključkih navaja prednosti rezultatov za področje menedžmenta v zdravstveni negi, za kakovost zdravstvene nege, navaja analizo programa in prednosti za razvijanje raziskovalne dejavnosti v zdravstveni negi.
Deskriptorji     HEALTH EDUCATION