Author/Editor     Lokar, Katarina
Title     Rak mod - znanje in stališča mladih moških
Translated title     Testicular cancer - knowledge and attitudes of young men
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 3-4
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 105-10
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents the results of the research about knowledge and attitudes of young men about testicular cancer. In the introduction, problems concerning testicular cancer are described. Primary goals of this research are to find out how much young men know about testicular cancer, what are their attitudes toward testicular cancer, to what extend do they know and perform testicular self-examination and how much are they motivated to increase the knowledge about this subject. In the research participated 42 young men. Research data were collected with questionnaires and were analized with descriptive statistical method. Results of the research showed insuficient knowledge of participants about testicular cancer, one half of participants had positive attitudes about testicular cancer issues and one third of them neutral attitudes, two thirds of participants had already heard about testicular self-examination and one third of them had performed it. Most of participants were also very motivated for extending the knowledge about testicular cancer and about testicular self-examination.
Summary     Članek predstvlja rezultate raziskave o znanju in stališčih mladih moških o raku mod. V uvodu je obravnavana problematika raka mod. Osnovni cilji raziskave so ugotoviti, koliko mladi moški vedo o raku mod, kakšna stališča imajo o raku na modih, v kolikšni meri poznajo in izvajajo samopregledovanje mod in ali so motivirani za razširitev znanja s tega področja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 42 mladih moških. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in obdelani z deskriptivno statistično metodo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali pomanjklilo znanje udeležencev o raku mod, polovica sodelujočih je imela pozitivno stališče do problematike raka na modih tretjina pa nevtralno stališče, dve tretjini sodelujočih je že slišalo za samopregledovanje mod, od tega ga je ena tretjina tudi izvajala, večina sodelujočih pa je bila zelo motivirana za poglabljanje znanja o raku na modih in o samopregledovanju mod.