Author/Editor     Brecelj, J; Sedmak, M; Eržen, J
Title     Zožitev požiralnika po zaužitju jedke snovi - prikaz primera
Translated title     Oesophageal stenosis after caustic ingestion - case report
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. 2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 67-70
Language     slo
Abstract     The authors present a 2.5-year-old girl with acquired oesophageal stenosis, most probably caused by caustic ingestion. She was admitted to hospital because of a 2-month history of vomiting after ingestion of solid food and weight loss. After two dilatations of the oesophagus she started to gain weight and to grow. The authors discuss the incidence, type of injury and presentation of accidents with corrosive agents. Treatment is directed toward supportive measures and vigorous intervention when early and late complications arise. The main concerns are preventive measures, which are the education of parents and caregivers and limitation of access to corrosive agents by law.
Summary     Avtorji prikazujejo dveinpolletno deklico s pridobljeno zožitvijo požiralnika, ki jo je najverjetneje povzročilo zaužitje jedke snovi. V bolnišnico smo jo sprejeli zaradi dvomesečnega bruhanja po obrokih hrane v kosih in padca telesne teže. Po dveh širitvah požiralnika je začela pridobivati na telesni teži in rasti. Avtorji razpravljajo o incidenci, vrsti in klinični sliki poškodb z jedkimi snovmi. Zdravljenje je predvsem podporno. Ko nastopijo zgodnji in pozni zapleti, je potrebno odločno ukrepanje. Osnovna skrb je preprečevanje zožitev s poučevanjem staršev in skrbnikov, a tudi s predpisi za omejeno dostopnost jedkih snovi.