Author/Editor     Zalar, Jurij
Title     Ozračivanje stanovništva Slovenije pri sumacijskom snimanju torakalnih organa
Type     monografija
Place     Zagreb
Publisher     Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Medicinski fakultet
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 57
Language     cro
Abstract     The new data on effects of ionizing radiation and new standards in radiation protection have set a need for more rational use of radiation in diagnostic radiology. The most common type of x-ray, was selected to perform a study which may provide an indication of the emphasis placed on the general pronciples of radiological protection in Slovenia, ie. the justification and optimization of diagnostic medical procedures. A survey was conducted in 1991. Chest x-rays were performed in 14.4% of the population, and nearly one third of them carried out as photofluorography. Weighted entrance skin dose (ESD) in chest radiography was 0.9 mGy, in photofluorography 3.06 mGy, and in both examinations it was 1.5 mGy. A quantity of radiation resembling an ESD of 0.22 mGy was statistically delivered to every member of the population. Marked differences in frequencies of chest x-rays and used ESD between the institutions and the regions were found and the ununiformity of practices and procedures indicated that the attention to the principles of radiation protection was unequally applied. The possibilities of reduction of population exposure to ionizing radiation by strict adoption of ALARA principle and the reassessment of the need for photofluorography are discussed. A need for standardization of x-ray procedures and the introduction of quality assurance and quality control program is emphasized.
Descriptors     RADIATION DOSAGE