Avtor/Urednik     Kozel, Tatjana
Naslov     Travmatizem v cestnem prometu v očeh okrožnega državnega tožilca
Prevedeni naslov     Traumatism in road traffic in the eye of a district public prosecutor
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Balažic J, Štefanič B, editors. Travmatizem v cestnem prometu. 10. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega. Medicinsko izvednestvo 2000; 2000 dec 5-6; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za sodno medicino,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 223-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The ever faster development of general and technical science requires the introduction of a modem system of criminal procedure. In this system, the role of expert opinion is becoming more important, since trials, especially in certain types of criminal offence, are inconceivable without the help of expert opinion. In establishing and assessing the facts which are important for a criminal procedure, courts and prosecutor's offices take evidence with the help of experts who have the required professional knowledge. On the basis of requests contained in a written injunction of the authority conducting the criminal procedure, expers enable the court and the prosecutor's office to establish and assess certain important facts which are crucial for the explanation of the event for which the criminal procedure is being conducted and thus also for its correct course and conclusion.
Deskriptorji     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC