Author/Editor | Krek, Milan; Krek-Mišigoj, Jelka | |
Title | Bolniki, vključeni v vzdrževalni metadonski program in njihova navzočnost v prometu | |
Translated title | Patients, participating in a methadone maintenance programme and their involvement in the road traffic | |
Type | članek | |
Source | In: Balažic J, Štefanič B, editors. Travmatizem v cestnem prometu. 10. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega. Medicinsko izvednestvo 2000; 2000 dec 5-6; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za sodno medicino, | |
Publication year | 2000 | |
Volume | str. 269-81 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Drug abuse and drug addiction are among the biggest public health problems in Slovenia. The use of drugs among drivers is one of the causes of road accidents. In the paper we describe a group of patients participating in a methadone maintenance programme who are also drivers. They had used drugs beforethey received their driving licences, and they wish to keep them during the methadone maintenance therapy. The key problem is when and under what conditions can we permit a drug user participating in a methadone maintenance programme to drive a car? We think that a patient who is participating in a regular methadone maintenance programme can be allowed to drive a car, but he should use only methadone and be under regular control of a group of professionals. Another important problem is that different professionals have different approaches in determining the ability of drug users participating in a methadone maintenance programme to drive a car: In the paper we also deal with professional drivers participating in a methadone maintenance programme. | |