Avtor/Urednik     Kofol-Seliger, Andreja; Cegnar, Tanja
Naslov     Meritve koncentracije cvetnega prahu
Prevedeni naslov     Measurements of pollen concentration
Tip     članek
Vir     Meseč Bilt - Hidrometeorol Zavod R Slov
Vol. in št.     Letnik 8, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 66-70
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The pollen measurement has been performed on two locations in Slovenia: in the central part of the state in Ljubljana and at the North Mediterranean coast in Koper. In February the airborne pollen of alder (Figure 6.2.), hazel (Figure 6.6.), cypress and yew family (Figure 6. 7.) was the most frequent on both locations. The percentage distribution of airborne pollen shows that in Koper was 33% of cypress and yew family pollen, 41% of alder pollen and 18% of hazel pollen. The situation in Ljubljana was a little bit different: 75% of alder, 20% of hazel and 4% of cypress and yew pollen. The pollen of willow, poplar (Figure 6.9.) and elm was also present in the air in small quantities. The ash pollen was airborne only in Koper. Hazel and alder pollen started to appear in the air in December last year. The peak of the season was reached in the second part of the February (Figure 6.4. and 6.6.). The daytime distribution of alder pollen concentration peaked at the different time. On days with very high average daily concentration it peaked late in the afternoon or in the middle of the night (Figure 6.3.). The alder pollen season was very strong this year. Tables 6.1. and 6.2. present the Maximum daily average concentration of alder pollen in Ljubljana and in Koper.
Deskriptorji     AIR POLLUTANTS