Avtor/Urednik | Caserman, Judita; Mrvič, Tatjana | |
Naslov | Naravna žarišča klopov v Sloveniji, klopni meningoencefalitis in Lyme borelioza | |
Tip | monografija | |
Kraj izdaje | Ljubljana | |
Založnik | Srednja naravoslovna šola | |
Leto izdaje | 1990 | |
Obseg | str. 51 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | Ticks are arthropods, which belong to the class of arachnids. Their body is composed-of head-thorax and abdomen, which are connected together into the unit part. Tick stitches its wictim with rostrum; which consits of, hyposthoma and one pair of helicers . The fecundation is accomplished on the mammal, on which both male und female are fixed. The fecundated female falls of the host after she has filled herself with blood. After hatching eggs, she dies. Larva, which grows up from the egg, has only three pairs of extremities. It lives on blood of available birds and small mammals. Larva sloughes into chrysalis, which has four pairs of legs. It feeds on the blood of the same sorts of hosts as the larva, only that it finds other places to fix on. Chrysalis sloughes and transforms into the adult tick-male or female. Ticks are transmitters and reservoare of some dangereous microbs in the nature. In our country, virus of Arbo-meningoencephalitis and spirohet which causes Lyme boreliosa is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus. If they are infected by Arbo-meningoencephalitis people terrbly suffer from inflammation of brain membrana and brains. Incubation lasts 6 to 14 days. Symptoms of the disease take o two stage course. In the initial stage temperature of the patient is raised. The second stage fallows after 4 to 10 says of apparently improvernent. It lasts 3 to 12 days. The course of the diesease is normaly mild, but sometimes also worse damages of central neruous system with paralysation are possible. Lyme boreliosa starts with limited skin change. The change appears 3 to 30 days after tick's bite. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters) | |