Author/Editor     Kostnapfel-Rihtar, Tatja
Title     Kakovost storitve vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa v letih 1995 in 1997
Translated title     Quality of methadone maintenance programme in Slovenia in 1995 and 1997
Type     članek
Source     Odvisnosti
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 13-54
Language     slo
Abstract     In the Republic of Slovenia the doctrine on the treatment of drug users was confirmed by the Health Council of the Ministry of Health in 1994. A network of Centres for the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Users was established after the various ministries confirmed the guidelines for the methadone programme. In order to contribute to the overview and higher quality execution of the methadone programme, the author sets the target of determining the extent of the methadone programme, its implementation, elements of quality, trends as well as defining the satisfaction of those involved in the programme. In order to achieve the aims, the author distributed a questionnaire to all those included in the methadone programme in April 1997. 524 of those involved in the programme responded to the anonymous questionnaire, which represents 72% of all included in the programme. The author thus obtained data on some of the biological characteristics of the participants (sex, age), social position (marital status, number of children, employment, education), as well as data concerning the start of drug use, the start and duration of the methadone programme, the psycho-social therapeutic treatment and other important information, including their expectations from the available treatment programmes. The results were compared to the 1995 study concluded by the same author. The answers show that in 1997 80% of those included in the methadone programme were male. The average age of those included in the programme was 25.5 years. The average age they started using illegal drugs was 17.4, and the most frequent first illegal drug was marijuana. Those included in the programme were better socialised, felt better and were involved in the education programme and work. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Doktrino zdravljenja odvisnih od prepovedanih drog je v letu 1994 potrdil Zdravstveni svet pri Ministrstvu za zdravstvo RS. Po medresorski potrditvi smernic vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa se je v letu 1995 vzpostavila mreža centrov za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog. Z namenom, da se prispeva k preglednosti in kakovostnejšemu izvajanju vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa, si je avtorica zastavila cilj, da ugotovi obseg oziroma razširjenost vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa, izvajanje le-tega, elemente kakovosti, trende ter opredeli zadovoljstvo vzdrževancev. Za dosego cilja je avtorica s pomočjo osebja vsem vzdrževancem, ki so bili vključeni v vzdrževalni metadonski program, aprila 1997 razdelila vprašalnike. Na anonimno anketo je odgovorilo 524 vzdrževancev, kar je 71% vseh vključenih v program. Avtorica je tako dobila podatke o nekaterih bioloških (spol, starost), socialnih (zakonski stan, število otrok, zaposlitev, izobrazba) značilnostih vzdrževancev, kot tudi podatke o začetku jemanja drog, o času in trajanju vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa, o psihosocioterapevtski obravnavi ter o ostalih pomembnih informacijah, vključno z njihovimi pričakovanji glede na razpoložljivi zdravstveni program. Iz odgovorov je razvidno, da je bilo v letu 1997 od vseh vključenih v vzdrževalni metadonski program 80% moških. Povprečna starost vključenih v program je bila 25,5 leta. Povprečna starost vključenih v program je bila 25,5 leta. Povprečna starost ob začetku jemanja prepovedanih drog je bila 17,4 leta, prva prepovedana droga pa marihuana. (Abstrakt prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).
Descriptors     STREET DRUGS