Author/Editor     Albreht, Tit; Prelog, Rista
Title     Zdravstvene šole
Translated title     Health schools
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 373-80
Language     slo
Abstract     There have been no significant changes in the total number of students at all levels of health education, except for a 10% increase in the number of students enrolled in the general medicine training programme at the Faculty of Medicine, Ljubljana. In general, the number of students, particularly of those attending the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and University College of Health Care, remained unchanged. The number of secondary school students continued to grow; it increased by 1.4 % in the period 1999-2000 relative to 3.5*l for the years 1998-1999. This increase was mostly due to a larger number of nursing auxilliary and pharmaceutical technician students in 2000. Metodological explanations and definitions All data presented are processed based on the reports provided by schools and sent to the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Table 18 - 1 Data presented describe the number of full-time students of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. Alongside absolute figures, percentages on the share of each student year numbers in total number of each faculty and by gender are shown. All students were enrolled for studies in study year 2000/2001. Table 18 - 2 Data presented describe the number of students at both high schools for nursing in Ljubljana and Maribor. Students are listed according to the study programme and the way of study. Table 18-3 We introduce data on the total number of pupils by school and way of study. Table 18 - 4 Data on 'absolvents' (pupils with completed courses awaiting graduation) of all secondary health schools are presented. Table 18 - 5 Data are presented on the number of pupils by course and by the way of study. Table 18 - 6 Data on pupils having completed their secondary health education in 2000 are presented by course and by the way of study. Table 18 - 7 Data on the number of pupils and the number of divisions by school together with the percentage of women is presented in this table.
Summary     Število šolajočih se za zdravstvene poklice se v zadnjih letih ne spreminja bistveno. Prišlo je le do manjšega povečanja vpisa na odsek za splošno medicino na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani. V splošnem je število študentov in dijakov ter diplomantov vseh stopenj izobraževanja precej nespremenjeno. To velja v prvi vrsti za Medicinsko fakulteto, Fakulteto za farmacijo in obe Visoki šoli za zdravstvo. Pri srednješolskem izobraževanju pa ugotavljamo še vedno naraščanje števila dijakov. To povečanje je bilo sicer nekoliko manjše (1,4%) kot v letu 1999, medtem ko se je v letu 1999 povečalo za približno 3,5 odstotka glede na leto 1998. Večina povečanja gre na račun večjega števila vpisanih na surer bolničar in farmacevtski tehnik. Metodološka pojasnila Vsi prikazani podatki so obdelani na podlagi poročil zdravstvenih šol, posredovanih Inštitutu za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije na standardnih obrazcih. Tabela 18 - 1 Prikazani so podatki o vpisanih študentih medicine, stomatologije in farmacije ter o številu absolventov in diplomantov. Poleg absolutnih števil so navedeni tudi deleži števila študentov posameznega letnika med vsemi študenti posamezne fakultete ter odstotni deleži obeh spolov. Gre za vpisane v študijskem letu 2000/2001. Tabela 18 - 2 Prikazani so podatki o vpisanih študentih obeh visokih šol za zdravstvo v Ljubljani in Mariboru, pri čemer so študenti razvrščeni glede na študijsko surer in glede na način študija. Tabela 18 - 3 Prikazani so podatki o skupnem številu dijakov po posameznih šolah in po načinu šolanja. Tabela 18 - 4 Prikazani so podatki o absolventih srednješolskega izobraževanja v zdravstvenih šolah. Tabela 18 - 5 Prikazani so podatki o dijakih po usmeritvi in načinu šolanja. Tabela 18 - 6 Prikazani so podatki o dijakih, ki so končali šolanje, po usmeritvi in načinu šolanja. Gre za tiste, ki so končali šolanje v letu 2000. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih)