Avtor/Urednik     Kraševec, Mojca; Potočnik, Darja
Naslov     Svetovanje, poraba zdravil in farmacevtska skrb za bolnice z osteoporozo
Prevedeni naslov     Counseling, monitoring the use of drugs, and pharmaceutical care for the patient with osteoporosis
Tip     članek
Vir     Farm Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 52, št. Spec Issue
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 121-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In the last decade a lot has been discused and writen about osteoporosis. There are many reasons for that. We know the processes of formation and decomposition of bones as well as methods wick help us determine the loss of bone mass. We have drugs for prevention and treatment of the disease. The number of patients suffering from osteoporosis is increasing, wich can be attributed to a longer life expectancy of the population. All these reasons show the need for the introduction of a model of pharmaceutical care for the patients suffering from osteoporosis. The pharmacist can play an important role in the phase of prevention and treatment of such patients. She/he is always available and therefore has the opportunity to detect patients with a higher risk or those who have already fallen ill. The pharmacist counsels wick drugs to choose for prevention or advises the patient to visit a doctor. And it is the counceling about the right drug and its safe intake that provides the basis of a successful treatment.
Izvleček     V zadnjem desetletju veliko pišemo in razpravljamo 0 osteoporozi. Razlogov je več. Poznamo procese tvorbe in razgradnje kosti. Na voljo so metode, s katerimi določimo izgubo kostne mase. Imamo zdravila za preprečevanje in zdravljenje te bolezni. Narašča število bolnikov z osteoporozo, kar gre pripisati daljšanju življenjske dobe prebivalstva. Našteti razlogi kažejo na potrebo po uvajanju inodela farmacevtske skrbi za bolnike z osteoporozo. Farmacevt ima lahko pomembno vlogo v preventivi in zdravljenju bolnikov z osteoporozo. Je zdravstveni delavec, ki je ljudem zmeraj dostopen, zato ima možnost, da odkriva bolnice s povečanim tveganjem za nastanek osteoporoze, kot tudi tiste, pri katerih je bolezen že prisotna. Svetuje pri izbiri zdravil za preprečevanje osteoporoze ali obisk pri zdravniku. Svetovanje o pravilnem in varnem jemanju zdravila je temelj za uspešno zdravljenje.
Deskriptorji     OSTEOPOROSIS