Author/Editor     Urlep, France
Title     Sodelovanje zdravnika splošne medicine z infektologi
Translated title     Collaboration of general practitioner with specialists in infectious diseases
Type     članek
Source     In: Lešničar G, editor. Infektološki simpozij. Zbornik predavanj ob 40-obletnici ustanovitve infektološke sekcije SZD - Združenja za infektologijo SZD; 2001 okt 5-6; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 67-74
Language     slo
Abstract     The article describes collaboration of a general practitioner with specialists in infectious diseases. Supported by the Department of Infectious Diseases at the General Hospital Celje, the author, under the mentorship of Professor Lešničar, studied some epidemiological characteristics observed in the last decades in the endemic areas of the Upper Savinja valley. He gives an overview of the development of general medicine and research work that was started in the 70's. The research in the Upper Savinja valley was the first that enabled a general practitioner to obtain a master's degree. Through the perspective of the development of family medicine, the author points out problems in developing research and education projects. By ever faster development of medical science, the information sources on the internet have become "conditio sine qua non". In conclusion, the author expresses his belief that in this decade different branches of medicine will start to cooperate with each other more and more closely, in view of the established measures for on-line quality assurance, based on the scientific medicine and constant care for patients until cured. Thus, the relationships between different branches of medicine at the primary and secondary levels, which have often been reproachable in the past, could be improved.