Author/Editor     Lešničar, Gorazd; Šibanc, Branko
Title     Poškodbe z domnevno okuženimi ostrimi predmeti pri celjskih zdravstvenih delavcih in zaščita proti hepatitisu B v Splošni bolnišnici Celje
Translated title     Injuries with presumably contaminated sharp objects in health care workers and prophylaxis for hepatitis B in General hospital Celje
Type     članek
Source     In: Lešničar G, editor. Infektološki simpozij. Zbornik predavanj ob 40-obletnici ustanovitve infektološke sekcije SZD - Združenja za infektologijo SZD; 2001 okt 5-6; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 185-99
Language     slo
Abstract     At the Department for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions of the General Hospital Celje pre- and post-exposure protection of health care personnel and other persons incidentally injured with used injection needles and other presumably infected sharp objects has been practised for 20 years already. Thus we carry out prophylaxis for hepatitis B, C, D, AIDS and tetanus. In a prospective study carried out from January 1997 till June 2001, we registered 133 subcutaneous injuries with sharp objects, mostly in nurses and cleaning service workers. In 19% of cases the incident occurred outside the hospital, in persons who were not medical workers. In 69 cases the injury causing object was a needle that had been used in known patients, 14 of which were hepatitis B positive. Fifty-five (48.2%) of the injured health workers had been previously vaccinated against hepatitis B; the protective antibodies to hepatitis B in the blood were found in 35 / 114 (30,7%) health workers only, while the tests for antibodies to hepatitis C and HIV were negative in all cases. Following the incident, the majority of the injured persons, i.e. 102, were vaccinated against hepatitis B, while 46 persons (34.6%) also received passive prophylaxis with human immunoglobulin against hepatitis B. None of the injured persons have developed the disease or showed evidence of sero-conversion. In the year 2000 the general as well as specific preventive measures practised in our hospital became more rigorous. Thus, approximately 80% of our health workers at risk have already been vaccinated against hepatitis B, while additional vaccination is also being carried out in the Health Center Celje, as well as in other regional health centers and in the cleaning service. Greater attention has been paid to safe working conditions and safe instruments, education, earlier report of incidents, and to immediate post-exposure prophylactic measures.
Descriptors     CROSS INFECTION