Avtor/Urednik     Bagari, Nevenka
Naslov     Potencialno izgubljena leta življenja. (1. del)
Prevedeni naslov     Potentially lost years of the life. (1st part)
Tip     članek
Vir     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. in št.     Letnik 16, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 91-4
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     We are aiming to establish whether the PYLL health state indicator is appropriate to reveal the presence of such differences in causes of death among the sexes or among countries or in time, that do not derive merely from the contraction of the particular ailment but rather arise from the risk factors acting in the environment. To this end, we have carried out an analysis of the PYLL indicator values in Slovenia for the year 1995. Calculations have been performed, for the PYLL values due to all causes except suicide, PYLL values due to heart and circulatory system diseases, PYLL values due to cancerous diseases, and PYLL values due to traffic accidents. The analysis has also involved the corresponding indicators of selected European Countries. We have established that the PYLL values do not exhibit statistical differences among the countries, while there exist differences in the causes of early mortality between the sexes and in the cases of heart and circulatory system diseases and cancerous diseases. PYLL values due to traffic accidents do not exhibit statistical differences among countries. The results of the analysis will be instrumental in our assessment of the prospects of efforts to defeat those risk factors leading to development of heart and circulatory system diseases and cancerous diseases in the early years of life, and injuries in traffic accidents, and thus contributing to early mortality. For example, the significant contribution of the consumption of food with high content of fat to the development of heart and circulatory system diseases is well known; on the other hand, the deposition of fats can be abated by proper nutrition, recreation and stopping of smoking.
Izvleček     Zanima nas, ali lahko kazalec zdravstvenega stanja potencialno izgubljena leta življenja (PYLL) pokaže, da obstajajo razlike v razlogih umrljivosti med spoloma oziroma med državami ali v času, ki niso samo posledica nastanka bolezni, ampak tudi dejavnikov tveganja iz okolja. V ta namen je bila izdelana analiza vrednosti PYLL v Sloveniji v letu 1995. Izračunani so bili kazalci PYLL zaradi vseh razlogov brez samomorov, PYLL za bolezni srca in ožilja, PYLL za rakave bolezni in PYLL za prometne nesreče. V analizo pa so bili vključeni tudi isti kazalci nekaterih evropskih držav. Ugotovljeno je, da se vrednosti PYLL med državami statistično ne razlikujejo, obstajajo pa razlike v vzrokih prezgodnje umrljivosti po spolu in zaradi bolezni srca in ožilja ter rakavih bolezni. PYLL zaradi prometnih nesreč se med državami statistično ne razlikuje. Na podlagi izsledkov študije se lahko oceni, ali lahko razmišljamo v smeri preprečevanja vplivov dejavnikov tveganja, ki v zgodnjih letih življenja povzročajo bolezni srca in ožilja, raka in poškodbe, nastale v prometnih nesrečah in ki povzročajo prezgodnjo umrljivost. Dejstvo je, da na bolezni srca in ožilja v veliki meri prispeva uživanje hrane z veliko maščob, da pa se lahko nalaganje maščobe preprečiti z ustrezno prehrano, gibanjem in prenehanjem kajenja.