Avtor/Urednik     Breskvar, Marko; Lukić, Ljubiša
Naslov     Deset let informacijskega sistema v slovenski transfuziologiji
Prevedeni naslov     Ten years of information systems in Slovenian transfusiology
Tip     članek
Vir     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. in št.     Letnik 16, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 100-3
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     February 14, 2000 marks the 10th anniversary of the introduction of DATEC, an information system developed independently and introduced by the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia in the field of transfusion medicine. In the next few years, by using the turn-key project method, we introduced the same information system in 8 blood transfusion departments throughout Slovenia. The computer support of activities means an increase in safety as well as quality in the field of blood transfusion services. The same type of information system in all transfusion departments enables an easy flow of professional knowledge, education and information. At the end of 1999 we connected all of the computer operating transfusion departments by means of a public digital net and consequently activated a computer connection with the main branch of the general hospital. This connection system thus became an information net making it possible to exchange professional data and serves as the basis for the introduction of quality assurance and the realization of safe blood transfusion.
Izvleček     Dne 14.2.2000 praznujemo deseto obletnico delovanja informacijskega sistema v transfuziologiji DATEC, ki smo ga samostojno razvili in uvedli na Zavodu Republike Slovenije za transfuzijo krvi. V naslednjih letih smo po metodi inženiringa "na ključ" enak informacijski sistem uvedli še v osem slovenskih oddelkov za transfuzijo krvi. Računalniška podpora dejavnosti pomenii povečanje varnosti in dvig kakovosti na področju transfuzijske službe. Enoten informacijski sistem v vseh slovenskih transfuzijskih ustanovah omogoča lažje poenotenje na področju stroke, edukacije in informatike. Konec leta 1999 smo računalniško opremljene transfuzijske ustanove povezali preko javnega digitalnega omrežja in s tem hkrati vzpostavili tudi računalniško povezavo med matičnimi bolnišnicami. Tako povezan sistem predstavlja informacijsko celoto, ki omogoča medsebojno izmenjavo strokovnih podatkov in je podlaga za uvedbo kakovosti in uresničevanja pojma varne transfuzije.
Deskriptorji     BLOOD TRANSFUSION