Author/Editor     Vlaisavljević, Veljko; Kovačič, Borut
Title     Vbrizganje semenčice v citoplazmo človeške jajčne celice
Translated title     Intracytoplasmic sperm injection into a human oocyte
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 107-15
Language     slo
Abstract     Treatment of male infertility using the technique of intracytoplasmic sperm injection brought about a basic change in the possibilities of male infertility treatment. The described method of microsurgical egg fertilization makes paternity possible even in cases when only a single sperm or individual sperms are available, regardless of their origin (ejaculated or isolated from testicular tissue). The partners can expect successful treatment (pregnancy) in one ICSI attempt in 20-35%. The paper presents the indications for intracytoplasmic sperm injection application in clinical practice, the results of treatment with ICSI and findings regarding the development of children conceived with this technique. Presented are the potential risks of using the mentioned method and the findings with which we are obliged to acquaint the patients during genetic counselling.
Summary     Postopek oploditve jajčne celice z injiciranjem semenčice v njeno citoplazmo je v osnovi spremenil možnost zdravljenja moške neplodnosti. Opisana metoda mikrokirurške oploditve jajčeca omogoča očetovstvo tudi v primerih, ko so na voljo samo posamezne semenčice, ne glede na njihov izvor (ejakulirane ali izolirane iz tkiva moda). Partnerja lahko pričakujeta uspešno zdravljenje (zanositev) v enem poskusu oploditve z vbrizganjem semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice v 20 do 35 %. V prispevku so predstavljene indikacije za rabo ICSI v klinični praksi, izsledki zdravljenja z ICSI ter ugotovitve o razvoju otrok, spočetih s to tehniko. Predstavljene so tudi možne nevarnosti uporabe omenjene metode ter ugotovitve, ki smo jih ob genetskem svetovanju dolžni predstaviti bolnikom.