Author/Editor     Fesel-Martinčevič, Maja; Ravnik, Janez
Title     Cognitive neuroscience pyramid approach to study of working memory
Type     članek
Source     In: Vodušek DB, Repovš G, editors. Informacijska družba IS'01. Kognitivna nevroznanost IS'01. Zbornik B 4. mednarodne multi-konference; 2001 okt 22-26; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Jožef Stefan,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 46-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Working memory is an extensively studied field in cognitive neuroscience. The latest version of Baddeleys model of working memory was chosen as a framework for this review of the contribution of the four approaches (cognitive psychological, cognitive neuropsychological, neuroscience and computational), constituting cognitive neuroscience pyramid, in understanding of working memory functioning. The paper reveals that the model proposed by Baddeley is supported by various neuroscientific studies, although some components of the model have not been explored in detail from all the aspects and need further investigation.
Descriptors     COGNITION