Author/Editor     Rabinowitz, Babeth
Title     Heart failure - the new face of an old disease
Type     članek
Source     In: Štiblar-Martinčič D, Petrovič D, editors. Cardiovascular diseases. Proceedings of the 32nd memorial meeting devoted to professor Janez Plečnik, International symposium in memory of professor Rene Favaloro; 2001 Dec 6-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 107-14
Language     eng
Abstract     Heart failure reached epidemic proportions at the beginning of this millennium. As such, it requires an innovative response from the health care systems. In order to approach this wisely and effectively, it should be realised that this very old condition, the heart failure syndrome, has recently acquired a new face, not necessarily a younger one, but one with different features. The patient with heart failure nowadays is an older, more complex and more interfered with (by series of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions), than the patient seen by doctors a few decades ago. Unfortunately he or she is also a different patient than most of the patients included in the clinical trials, on which the evidence-based medicine is construed. This patient is seeking, apart from medical solutions, answers concerning the quality of his life, to which he has the right to honest and ethical replies. The care givers and the scientists should be aware of the complexity of problems to be faced and of their own limitations in resolving them.