Avtor/Urednik     Keber, Irena
Naslov     Heart failure clinics: organization, development and experiences
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Štiblar-Martinčič D, Petrovič D, editors. Cardiovascular diseases. Proceedings of the 32nd memorial meeting devoted to professor Janez Plečnik, International symposium in memory of professor Rene Favaloro; 2001 Dec 6-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 131-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     A disease management, defined as a comprehensive, integrated approach to improve quality and appropriateness of their care, has been developed recently for heart failure patients. There is considerable diversity among outpatient heart failure management programs. These programs can be classified as specialty heart failure clinics, specialty heart failure care outside the clinic setting that involves community outreach or increased acces to primary care. In each of these programs, nurses played an integral role. The programs were designed primarily to reduce rehospitalization rates and associated costs, to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic management of heart failure patients based on current guidelines and to improve the quality of life. The results of clinical trial evaluating the heart failure managed care are reviewed. The experiences of the first outpatient heart failure clinic in Slovenia are presented. With the exception of one study each of these programs demonstrated positive patient outcomes including lower total and heart failure rehospitalization rates, fewer hospital days, improved quality of life and functional status, and lower heathcare costs.