Avtor/Urednik     Ornik, Dragica; Pogačnik, Milan
Naslov     Zakonodaja o zaščiti poskusnih živali
Prevedeni naslov     Legislation on the protection of experimental animals
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zebič A, editor. Proceedings of the seminar with international participation Laboratory animals in biomedical researcs; 2001 Oct 27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 10-5
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The aim of this paper is to establish the current situation in the field of legislation on the protection of experimental animals in the Republic of Slovenia. The protection of experimental animals has been regulated by the provision of the Protection of Animals Act (1). On its basis, Instructions on the Conditions for the Issuing of Authorisations for Experiments on Animals for the Scientific and Research Purposes and the Rules on the ethic commission for experiments on animals (3) have been used. The fundamental provisions on the protection of experimental animals are provided by the system of issuing of authorisations for experiments on animals. The authorisation for the experiments on animals is issued by the administrative authorities, competent for the veterinary medicine, in case that experiments are urgent for the medicinal, veterinary - medicinal or scientific and research purposes, and if it is expected that the results will bring important new pieces of knowledge, or that the suffering of animals is ethically acceptable in comparison with .the expected achievement, in the case of basic research, when the experimental aims cannot be reached by other methods and procedures, and when the experiment is performed with the minimum possible number of animals of the minimum neurophysiological sensitivity, and a method, which causes the minimum of suffering, pain and lasting harm. The staff, involved in the managing and implementing of the experiment and the care and nursing of animals, the premises for the accommodation or rearing and provision of animals, and the installations and devices, must be in compliance with the required conditions. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)