Author/Editor | Papuga, V; Milovanović, S | |
Title | BLS - Bi lahko sodelovali? | |
Type | članek | |
Source | In: Vintar N, Lopuh M, editors. Zbornik predavanj 3. slovenski kongres anesteziologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2001 okt 11-13; Bled. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Slovensko združenje za anesteziologijo in intenzivno medicino, | |
Publication year | 2001 | |
Volume | str. 127-35 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The article deals with various aspects of teaching and pertorming basic life Upport (BLS). Cardiac arrest is still a frequent cause of death in the developed world. Despite the improved understanding of patophysiological background of cardiac arrest and continuous development of reanimation technology and equipment, the results are still unsatisfactory. Why is it so? Qbviously, part of the answer lies in relatively long intervals between the collapse and the defibrillation, and part in the insufficient training and knowledge of reanimation techniques among laic population. According to several laws of the Republic of Slovenia, we are all obliged to provide first aid: Consequently, the education and training of laic population in this field have become activities of special social interest, as they are to everyone's benefit. The possibilities for such education and training are wide. As anaesthetists, we feel it is our vocation to provide such education. Therefore, we recently decided to do a survey on the issue and sent a questionnaire to 15 hospitals in Slovenia. The results have shown that training in BLS is performed in many but not all Slovene hospitals, and that anaesthetists have always been involved in the subject. However, the project lacks a common teaching concept and a proper co-ordination. | |