Avtor/Urednik     Rozman, Janez; Bunc, Matjaž; Zupan, Anton
Naslov     Evaluation of the strength of elbow flexors in patients with neuromuscular diseases
Tip     članek
Vir     J Med Eng Technol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 25, št. 6
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 235-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In planning the optimum treatment for patients with neuromuscular diseases (NMD), it is essential to know as much as possible about their functional state. Assessment of the strength of certain muscles is the most direct measure of motor deficiency. In the development of normative data needed for patients with NMD, the use of torque measurements is required. Forty-nine patients (31 men and 18 women), from 18 to 54 years (mean age 33+- 8.9 years), were included in the study. Five groups of patients, each having one of five different NMDs, were formed. We tested unilaterally the biceps brachii muscle that normally generates the highest torque. For this purpose an electronic brace enabling isometric measurements of torque during elbow flexion was designed. The patients produced three maximum voluntary elbow flexions that lasted about 3 s and separated by a pause of about 3 s. Force development was rapid with continuous buildup and isometric. About 15 s later the patients produced the last maximum voluntary elbow flexion, keeping it as stable as possible for a period of 30 s. Patients with mitochondria) myopathy (MNI), having the shortest mean halffatigue time (4.3 s), elicited the highest mean torque in both short maximum voluntary elbow flexions (1.34 Nm) as well as in the 30 s-long maximum voluntary elbow flexions. In contrast, patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (MD-FSH), having the longest mean half-fatigue time (15.4 s), elicited the lowest mean torque in both the short maximum voluntary (0.29 Nm) as well as in 30 s-long maximum voluntary elbow flexions. Patients with Becker muscular dystrophy (MD-B), having a mean half-fatigue time (11.1 s) slightly shorter than the patients with MD-FSH, elicited a higher mean torque in both the short (0.82 Nm) and the 30 s-long elbow flexions. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Deskriptorji     ELBOW JOINT