Author/Editor     Klopčič, M
Title     Fizioterapija pri bolnikih s kroničnim otekanjem udov zaradi bolezni ven
Translated title     Physiotherapy with patients suffering from chronic swelling of lower extremities due to venous diseases
Type     članek
Source     Fizioterapija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 9, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 19-21
Language     slo
Abstract     In the article the physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with chronic swelling of lower extremities due to the venous diseases is presented. According to the assessment of the patient's condition, the physiotherapist prepares the programme of treatment. The importance of right selection of a technique and the appropriate use of compressive bandages and clothing with patients with chronic venous insufficiency and limfoedemas are stressed.
Summary     V prispevku je predstavljena fizioterapevtska obravnava bolnikov s kroničnim otekanjem udov zaradi bolezni ven in možnosti izbire posameznih fizioterapevtskih postopkov glede na oceno bolnikovega stanja. Poudarjena je pomembnost pravilne izbire in uporabe kompresijskih povojev in kompresijskih oblačil pri bolnikih s kronično vensko insuficienco in limfedemom.