Author/Editor     Kristl, Maja; Vuga, Vanja
Title     Poškodbe in preobremenitve športnikov - javnozdravstveni problem
Translated title     Injuries and overuse syndromes in sportsmen - the problem of public health
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 95-110
Language     slo
Abstract     During the period between the year 1990 and 2000, a group of 694 sportsmen has been examined in the Center of Sports Medicine. The principal aim of our retrospective research was a comparison of sportsmen by sports disciplines, sex and diagnosis of injuries l overuse syndromes in the years 1995 and 2000. Our data were statistically analyzed by the chi-square test (p<0.005) using the Microsoft Excel packet. The analysis showed that the sports disciplines representation changed with the modern trends, as changed the age structure with the prevalence of the youth population. The proportion of locomotion system injuries by sportswomen was found to be higher between the two research periods. The overuse syndromes were found to be lower in both sexes as the consequences of our successful preventive care. We propose a higher quality of cooperation in each development step of high-leveled sportsmen, higher quality of sportsmen environment reducing the injury risks. The preventive and urgent medical policy has to be clearly defined, as the strategy of the scientific research program. The legislation has to be ameliorated.
Summary     V obdobju od leta 1990 do 2000 smo v Centru za medicino športa preiskovali skupino 694 športnikov. Namen naše primerjalne retrospektivne raziskave je bil primerjati in opredeliti športnike po športnih disciplinah, po spolu, starostni strukturi in diagnozah preobremenitev/poškodb v letih 1995 in 2000. Podatke smo statistično analizirali s testom hi-kvadrat (p < 0,005) statističnega paketa Microsoft Excel (verzija 7). blgotovili smo, da se je zaradi modnih trendov v športu spremenila zastopanost športnih disciplin in da se je spremenila starostna struktura športnikov; le-ti so praviloma mlajši. Povečalo se je število poškodb pri ženskah. Tako kot pri moških se je zmanjšala obolevnost gibal zaradi preobremenitev, kar pripisujemo uspešni preventivi. Predlagamo: dvig strokovnosti na vseh stopnjah oblikovanja športnikove osebnosti in v doseganju njegovih vrhunskih rezultatov, skrb za ustrezno okolje, ki zmanjšuje možnost poškodb in preobremenitev gibal, ter jasno opredelitev preventivne in urgentne medicine kot tudi strategije znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela. Nujna je tudi dopolnitev zakonodaje.