Avtor/Urednik     Kopač, I; Marion, L
Naslov     Določanje fiziološke mirne lege mandibule z elektrognatografijo
Prevedeni naslov     Determination of mandibular rest position with electrognathography
Tip     članek
Vir     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 57, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 2-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Electrognathographic determination of the rest position of the mandible was carried out in two groups of subjects of both sexes that differed by age. A sirognathograph linked to a computer (Cosig system) was used for recording, displaying and analysing the movement of the first incisor region from the intercuspal (ICP) to the rest position (RP). The distances and angles of this movement were numerically evaluated in three planes. The average ICP-RP distance was 1.8 +- 0.5 mm for the younger and 1.98+-0.9 mm for the older group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. These values are similar to previously published recordings done by mechanical methods. The average time to reach RP was 2.5+-1.4 seconds for the younger and 6.3+-4 seconds for the older group (p<0.002). The movement from ICP to RP was not a vertical drop but was directed distally at an angle of 66+-19.1 to the vertical line for the younger and 72.3+-9.6 for the older group (p<0.002). At larger magnifications, RP proved to be an area rather than a point. Electrognathography displays the movement of the manibular first incisor region in three dimensions and numerically defines the values in millimeters, angular degrees and second, thus providing a good insight into the complexity of the manibular rest position.
Deskriptorji     MANDIBLE