Avtor/Urednik     Reljič, Milan; Vlaisavljević, Veljko; Gavrić, Vida; Kovačič, Borut; Čižek-Sajko, Mojca; Kovač, Vilma
Naslov     Postopki zunajtelesne oploditve v naravnem ciklusu
Prevedeni naslov     In vitro fertilization in natural cycle
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 71, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. I-19-23
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. The aim of this study was to analyse the results of natural NF/ICSI cycles and to find out which factors have an impact on the success of the cycle. Methods. 340 natural NF/ICSI cycles in 162 infertile couples were analysed within a retrospective study. Cycles were divided in groups according to the cause of infertility and women's age and pregnancy rates were compared. A t-test was used to obtain the different values of the variables between the cycles with pregnancies and cycles without pregnancies. Results. A premature ovulation occurred in 32 cases (9.41 %), an oocyte was obtained in 244 cycles (79.2%), fertilization occurred in 175 cases (71.72%) and pregnancy in 41 cycles (the pregnancy rate per puncture =13.31, per transfer=25.31). The highest pregnancy rate per puncture was achieved in patients with idiopathic infertility (17.91) followed by male infertility with ICSI procedure (12.67) and female infertility (11.40%). Pregnancy rate per cycle was 13.42 in women below the age of 38 years, 8.11 in women between 38 and 40 years, and no pregnancy were achieved in women 40 and over years of age. There are statistically significant higher values of estradiol measured on the day of the HCG injection and later application of HCG in cycles that resulted in pregnancy than those which did not result in a pregnancy. There were no differences in the duration of infertility, the patients' age, the average and maximum diameter of the follicle and the thickness of the endometrium on the day of the HCG injection as well as between the basal values of FSH and LH between the two groups. Conclusions. Satisfactory results are obtained with the natural NF/ICSI cycles independent from the cause of infertility. A higher pregnancy rate per puncture is expected with higher levels of estradiol, a later application of HCG and in women below the age of 38 years.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Namen raziskave je bil analizirati rezultate naravnih ciklusov NF/ICSI in ugotoviti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost ciklusa. Metode. V retrospektivni raziskavi smo obravnavali 340 naravnih ciklusov IVF/ICSI pri 162 neplodnih parih. Cikluse smo razdelili v skupine na osnovi vzroka neplodnosti in starosti bolnic in primerjali deleže zanositev. S t-testom smo primerjali tudi vrednosti spremenljivk med ciklusi z zanositvijo in ciklusi brez zanositve. Rezultati. Do prezgodnje ovulacije je prišlo v 32 (9,41 %) ciklusih, jajčno celico smo dobili v 244 (79,22%) ciklusih, do oploditve je prišlo v 175 (71,72%) in zanositve v 41 ciklusih (delež zanositve na punkcijo = 13,31, na prenos zarodka = 25,31). Najvišji delež zanositve na punkcijo smo dosegli pri zdravljenju idiopatske neplodnosti (17,91), sledi moška neplodnost s postopkom ICSI (12,67) in ženska neplodnost (11,40). Delež zanositve na ciklus je bil pri bolnicah, mlajših od 38 let, 13,42, pri bolnicah med 38. in 40. letom, 8,11, medtem ko pri bolnicah, starih 40 in več let, ni prišlo do zanositve. Pri ciklusih z zanositvijo ugotavljamo statistično pomembno višje vrednosti estradiola na dan injekcije HCG in kasnejšo aplikacijo HCG v primerjavi s ciklusi brez zanositve. Med tema skupinama ni bilo razlike v trajanju neplodnosti, povprečnem in največjem premeru folikla ter debelini endometrija na dan injekcije HCG in bazalnih vrednostih FSH in LH. Zaključki. Z naravnimi ciklusi IVF/ICSI dosežemo zadovoljive rezultate ne glede na vzrok neplodnosti. Višji delež zanositve na punkcijo lahko pričakujemo pri višjih vrednostih estradiola, kasnejšem dajanju HCG in pri bolnicah, mlajših od 38 let.
Deskriptorji     INFERTILITY