Author/Editor     Stilinović, B; Shalabi, M; Vrhovšek, D
Title     Prvi biljni uređaji na našim otocima - efikasnost i perspektiva
Type     članek
Source     In: Milačić A, Blažević N, editors. 1. znanstveno-stručni skup Turizam, vodno gospodarstvo i zaštita mora; 2002 mar 19-22; Opatija. Opatija: Ministarstvo turizma RH,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 299-303
Language     cro
Abstract     Municipal wastewater treatment, using Constructed Wetlands (CW) on coastal and Croatian island area may be effective way in the protection of the environmental especially sea. Constructed Wetlands are proven today as an ecoremediation (Bioremediation) technology for domestic sewage with relatively low to nonexisting discharge into lake streams and seas, without long expensive canalisation systems. Mediterranean climate on Croatian coast and islands enables longer vegetative period to wetland plants in CW increasing their efficiency trough out the year, especially in the touristic season. CW Glavotok (island Krk) and Bijar (island Cres) maintained for the treatment of the autocamps wastewater have shown in the first year of operation (2001) the high efficiency level in spite of the fact that both of them are in the phase of maturing as ecosystems.
Descriptors     SEWAGE