Avtor/Urednik     Ribič-Pucelj, M; Jemec, M; Tomaževič, T; Vogler, A; Vrtačnik-Bokal, E
Naslov     Surgical treatment of stage III-IV endometriosis in infertile patients: laparotomy vs laparoscopy
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bruhat M, Carvalho SJL, Campo R, et al, editors. Proceedings of the 10th congress of the European society for gynaecological endoscopy; 2001 Nov 22-24; Lisbon. Bologna: Monduzi editore, International proceedings division,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 51-4
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two surgical procedures - laparotomy and laparoscopy in the treatment of stage III-IV endometriosis, the only cause of infertility, in terms of pregnancy rate. Retrospective analysis involved 83 patients who underwent microsurgical treatment through laparotomy between the years 1986 and 1993 and 57 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery between the years 1990 and 1997. Only the patients who were available for follow-up and answered a questionnaire were considered (76 %). The pregnancy rate following conservative laparotomy was 55.0% (46/83) and the one following laparoscopic surgery was 63.1 % (36/57), the difference between the groups not being statistically significant. The results of treatment of stage III-IV endometriosis achieved by laparoscopy are at least comparable to those achieved by laparotomy.
Deskriptorji     INFERTILITY, FEMALE