Author/Editor | Hawlina, Marko; Kraut, Aleksandra; Vidovič-Valentinčič, Nataša | |
Title | Operacije katarakte pri bolnikih z uveitisom | |
Translated title | Cataract surgery in uveitis patients | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 71, št. Suppl 2 | |
Publication year | 2002 | |
Volume | str. II-3-5 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Background. To present techniques and results of cataract surgery in uveitis patients. Patients and methods. In this retrospective study, 10 patients (11 eyes) are presented with uveitic cataract of different etiology. The operations were performed between y. 1998 and 2000. All our patients had posterior synechiae of the iris, 4 of them secclusion of the pupil. Visual acuity and inflammation was noted before, 1 week and again 6 month after operation. Results. Phacoemulsification and synechiolisis were performed in all our patients as well as foldable IOL inserted in all of them. Iris retractors were used in 3 patients and intracapsular tension ring in 2 patients. Mean visual acuity before the operation was 0.05 and 0.63 six months after the operation. In none, postoperative inflammation was greater than 1+. In one patient, reversible reactivation of the disease ensued later and one developed reversible cystoid macular edema. Both had subsided by 6 months. Conclusions. The results of the cataract surgery with phacoemulsification in uveitis patients are good. Preoperative management, especially in the sense of controlling the inflammation, special surgical techniques, avoiding the excessive manipulation of the iris and postoperative care are very important. | |
Summary | Izhodišča. Predstavitev primerov operacij katarakte pri bolnikih z uveitisom. Bolniki in metode. V retrospektivni raziskavi smo obravnavali 10 bolnikov (11 oči), operiranih zaradi katarakte kot posledice uveitisa različne etiologije v letih od 1998 do 2000. Vsi bolniki so imeli posteriorne sinehije šarenice, štirje sekluzijo zenice, ki je zahtevala posebne kirurške tehnike. Spremljali smo vidno ostrino in vnetno reakcijo pred operacijo, 1 teden in še 6 mesecev po operaciji. Rezultati. Pri vseh bolnikih je bila narejena fakoemulzifikacija, sinehioliza, od tega pri treh z retraktorji šarenice. Dvema bolnikoma je bil vstavljen intrakapsularni obroček, vsem je bila vstavljena upogljiva intraokularna leča. Vidna ostrina po operaciji se je pri vseh očeh izboljšala. Povprečna vidna ostrina pred operacijo je bila 0,05 šest mesecev po operaciji pa 0,63. Posebnih med-in pooperativnih zapletov ni bilo. Zaključki. Rezultati operacije katarakt s fakoemulzifikacijo pri bolnikih z uveitisom so dobri. Pomembno je ustrezno pripraviti bolnika, čim manj manipulirati z očesom med samim operativnim posegom, ustrezno oskrbeti bolnika po posegu. | |