Author/Editor | van Rij, Gabriel; Wijdh, Robert J; Nikkels, Peter GJ | |
Title | Intracorneal and scleral cyst following cataract extraction | |
Translated title | Intrakornealna in skleralna cista po ekstrakciji katarakte | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 71, št. Suppl 2 | |
Publication year | 2002 | |
Volume | str. II-15-6 | |
Language | eng | |
Abstract | Background. A six-year-old boy presented with a large progressive intracorneal and scleral cyst. Two years before, bilateral cataract surgery through a 6.5-mm corneal incision was performed elsewhere. Methods. The posterior wall of the cyst could be excised, as well as the anterior wall in the sclera. Upon histo-pathology the cyst wall was lined by epithelium. The epithelial cells of the anterior side in the cornea were removed with a curette and a corpus alienum drill. Three and a half years after removal of the cyst, there was no recurrence. Visual acuity was 0.8. Conclusions. An intracorneal and scleral inclusion cyst was successfully removed by surgical excision and the removal of epithelial cells by a curette and a corpus alienum drill. | |
Summary | Izhodišča. Šestletni deček je prišel z veliko in napredujočo intrakornealno in skleralno cisto, ki je nastala dve leti po operaciji katarakte skozi 6,5 mm kornealno incizijo. Metode. Zadnjo steno kornealne ciste in sprednjo steno skleralne ciste je bilo mogoče izrezati. Histopatološka preiskava je pokazala steno ciste, prekrito z epitelijem. Epitelijske celice sprednje strani roženice so bile odstranjene s kireto in svedrom za odstranitev tujkov. Tri in pol leta po odstranitvi se proces ni ponovil. Ostrina vida je bila 0,8. Zaključek. Epitelijsko in skleralno inkluzijsko cisto je mogoče uspešno odstraniti s kirurško incizijo in odstranitvijo epitelijskih celic s kireto in svedrom za odstranitev roženičnih tujkov. | |